Friday, July 7, 2017

Employment proof letter format for bank


The Manager **
Bank name**,
Bank address line 1***
Bank address line 2***

Dear Sir

Re- Proof of Employment

This is to inform that your name** of No.your address**. Has been working in our organization since April 2016 in the capacity of your post**.

His monthly remunerations are as follows.

Basic Salary                  Rs.30, 000.00
Less: Deduction            Rs. -2, 400.00
Fixed Allowance                        Rs.15, 000.00
Traveling Allowance       Rs.10, 000.00

Total                            Rs.52, 600.00

Thanking You

Yours Faithfully

Managing Director/ CEO

Employment proof letter format for bank

Date** The Manager ** Bank name**, Bank address line 1*** Bank address line 2*** Dear Sir Re- Proof of Employment Thi...